Vestibular Therapy in Arlington

Regain Your Equilibrium with Vestibular Therapy in Arlington

Do you feel off-balance, dizzy, or struggle with vertigo symptoms that make daily activities difficult? You may be dealing with a vestibular disorder. The vestibular system in your inner ear is crucial for balance, spatial orientation, and stability of vision when moving your head. When this system is damaged by illness, injury, or the natural aging process, the result is a distorted sense of equilibrium and unsteadiness.

At Arlington Physical Therapy in Arlington, we offer customized vestibular therapy to effectively assess and treat balance and dizziness issues stemming from vestibular dysfunction. Through targeted exercises, balance training techniques, and maneuvering strategies, our experienced vestibular therapists help patients like you reduce symptoms, regain steadiness and coordination, and resume regular activity with confidence.

Who Can Benefit from Vestibular Therapy?

Vestibular therapy is an ideal treatment option for adults aged 18-65 struggling with:

  • Chronic dizziness or vertigo
  • Imbalance, unsteadiness, wobbliness
  • Motion sickness
  • Impaired vision during head movements
  • Fear of falling or limiting activities due to instability
  • Difficulty with tasks requiring multi-directional head movements

We help those diagnosed with conditions such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis, Ménière’s disease, acoustic neuroma, and more regain control of vestibular function. Even if you haven’t received a definite diagnosis, we can evaluate your symptoms and customize an effective treatment plan.

How Vestibular Therapy in Arlington Helps

Vestibular therapy revolves around three core goals: reducing symptoms, improving balance and coordination, and increasing functional independence. We achieve successful outcomes through:

1. Symptom Management
Our vestibular therapists first perform a series of assessments to pinpoint the underlying causes of your dizziness, vertigo, visual disturbances or imbalance. We then design a tailored program with exercises promoting adaptation and substitution to alleviate disorienting symptoms. Symptom management provides relief while you work to strengthen vestibular function.

2. Improved Balance and Coordination
Carefully adapted exercises and training techniques retrain your balance strategies and reflexes. Tasks integrating head and eye movements in varying positions re-calibrate your sense of equilibrium. We slowly increase challenges as you progress to sharpen stability reactions, increase reliance on visual and proprioceptive cues, and generalize improvements to real-world situations. Targeted balance activities also lower future risk of debilitating falls.

3. Enhanced Functional Ability
As your symptoms, stability and confidence improves, we shift focus towards safely increasing mobility and building skills required for regular daily living, work and leisure. Challenging dynamic and functional drills reinforce new balance patterns so vestibular problems no longer limit involvement in the activities you find meaningful. Your renewed capabilities translate into greater independence. In most cases, patients notice substantial relief from symptoms within two to four weeks of starting vestibular therapy. Steady measurable gains continue over three months as the customized program strengthens abilities and minimizes remaining issues.

What Makes Arlington Physical Therapy the Right Choice?

You have options when seeking care for vestibular dysfunction, but Arlington Physical Therapy’s Vestibular Therapy program stands apart. Benefits our patients enjoy include:
Ana Maria Madrid, our lead Physical Therapist, brings advanced certification in Vestibular Rehabilitation through Emory University’s respected program. With years experience evaluating and restoring balance function, {he/she} understands the intricacies of disorders affecting the vestibular system. Custom-tailored treatment plans draw from the latest evidence-based techniques to target each patient’s unique impairments. We stay up-to-date on innovations in the field through continuing education and professional development.

1. Individualized Care
We take time getting to know our patients as individuals first. Thorough interviews, examinations, and testing paint a clear picture of your symptoms, condition, health history, lifestyle factors, and functional goals. No two patients’ road to recovery looks the same. Therapeutic activities, progressions, and care schedules suit your individual needs for optimal outcomes. Along the way, we listen and modify approaches to keep you comfortable.

2. Seamless Integration
As a full-service orthopedic therapy clinic, we have the advantage of seamlessly integrating vestibular rehabilitation with treatment for orthopedic, neurological, or other medical issues contributing to your deficits. Multidisciplinary collaboration ensures all facets affecting your balance and mobility receive prompt and coordinated attention for rapid recovery.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are two common symptoms of vestibular problems?
The vestibular system influences balance, vision, spatial processing and stability of the head and eyes. When damaged, common symptoms include:

  • Dizziness or vertigo – A false sensation of spinning or swaying, often brought on by position changes
  • Imbalance and unsteadiness, particularly with head movements or locomotion
  • Blurred vision or oscillating vision – Visual acuity and focus falters when moving the head

Does vestibular therapy actually work?
Yes, clinical studies demonstrate vestibular therapy helps 8 out of 10 people substantially decrease or fully resolve symptoms. Success requires determination through the customized program as your brain builds compensatory pathways and processes. Typically 3 months provides optimal adaptation for lasting results. Mild residual issues may remain but won’t severely impact daily life.

Do vestibular disorders ever go away on their own?
Sometimes mild, temporary vertigo or imbalance from inner ear infections may resolve over days or weeks. However, most chronic vestibular conditions require active rehabilitation. Without targeted treatment, symptoms often recur and may worsen over time as secondary complications like muscle atrophy and diminished mobility set in. Vestibular therapy boosts skills needed to minimize issues.

About The Author

Guillermo Morales, a PT, DPT, CEO, empowers patients to unlock their full potential in Physical Therapy. Years of experience fuel their passion for helping individuals reclaim vibrant lives. At Arlington Physical Therapy in Arlington, Guillermo Morales combines innovative techniques with personalized care, tackling a broad spectrum of physical challenges.

Next Steps at Arlington Physical Therapy

Are you ready to conquer that frustrating dizziness, regain steady footing, and restore activities vestibular dysfunction has limited? We aim to make seeking treatment for balance and vestibular impairments accessible and inclusive.

Contact Our Vestibular Specialist Today in Arlington

Call Arlington Physical Therapy or schedule a consultation online to discuss your symptoms and treatment options with Ana Maria Madrid. We offer flexible appointment times to minimize disruptions. Most insurances cover vestibular therapy services, and we provide assistance verifying particular coverage details. Take control of your equilibrium again!