Restore Mobility and Find Relief with IASTM in Arlington

If pain or injuries have you moving less and enjoying life less, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) at Arlington Physical Therapy can help. This innovative hands-on treatment uses specialized tools to improve tissue quality, reduce pain, enhance healing, and get you back to moving comfortably again.

Who Can Benefit from IASTM?

IASTM is designed for men and women between 18-65 years old who want to address issues like:

  • Chronic musculoskeletal injuries and pain
  • Limited mobility and range of motion
  • Scar tissue, adhesions, and fascial restrictions
  • Poor tissue healing after an injury
  • Overuse injuries from sports or repetitive motions

Whether you’re dealing with back and neck pain, shoulder restrictions, knee or hip issues, or other chronic conditions affecting your muscles, fascia or joints, IASTM can help relieve your symptoms and restore healthy movement.

How IASTM at Arlington Physical Therapy Works

IASTM involves the use of stainless steel or plastic tools with beveled edges. Your therapist will glide these tools over your skin, targeting affected tissues in a very specific manner. They apply controlled pressure and friction to the underlying muscles and connective tissues to break down scar tissue and restrictions. This kickstarts your body’s natural healing abilities. Blood flow increases to the area to reduce inflammation and swelling. Your tissues regenerate and remodel with healthier cells. And protein molecules realign themselves along lines of tension for greater elasticity and mobility. Over the course of several sessions, IASTM rebalances your tissues to eliminate dysfunction, ease pain, and enhance overall tissue health. That translates into improved joint mobility, flexibility, range of motion and movement quality so you can get back to an active, healthy lifestyle again.

The Benefits of IASTM in Arlington

IASTM offers a host of benefits over other treatment approaches:

1. Improved Tissue Healing and Regeneration
Damaged tissues can’t always repair themselves effectively without assistance. IASTM kickstarts your body’s natural healing abilities through:

  • Breaking down restrictive scar tissue
  • Stimulating blood flow and circulation
  • Delivering vital nutrients to damaged areas
  • Removing inflammatory irritants
  • Promoting tissue regeneration and remodeling

Clinical studies show IASTM facilitates quicker healing and enhanced tissue regeneration compared to rest alone. Patients see restored mobility in 20-57% less time with IASTM.

2. Pain Reduction and Symptom Relief
IASTM helps alleviate the musculoskeletal pain keeping you from the activities you love. It can provide:

  • Immediate relief from chronic and acute pain
  • Reduced need for pain medication
  • Fewer painful flare ups and recurrences
  • Support for long-term pain management

83% of IASTM patients see meaningful improvements in pain and discomfort levels according to clinical research. This safe, non-invasive approach avoids risky treatments and dangerous side effects.

3. Enhanced Mobility and Improved Function
Restrictions in your soft tissues translate into a limited range of motion and mobility issues affecting your performance and quality of life. IASTM smooths out tight tissues and scar adhesions to:

  • Restore flexibility and mobility
  • Improve joint dynamics and body mechanics
  • Eliminate compensatory movement patterns
  • Enhance physical functioning for daily tasks
  • Relieve stiffness and discomfort

Patients show 48-58% improvements in range of motion after IASTM treatment. And because it aligns tissues along their proper lines of tension, those improvements last over the long-term.

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Does IASTM actually break up scar tissue?
Yes! Studies confirm IASTM breaks down dysfunctional scar tissue fibers at a microscopic level. This physical disruption combined with the inflammatory response it triggers allows tissues to heal in a more organized, functional pattern.

What’s the difference between Graston and IASTM?
Graston is a proprietary brand of IASTM tools. So while Graston is a type of IASTM, not all IASTM involves Graston-brand tools specifically. However, the concepts and treatment techniques are very similar either way.

What are the disadvantages of IASTM?
IASTM is very safe when performed by a skilled practitioner. The pressure and friction can cause some mild discomfort and maybe minor bruising occasionally. But there are no major drawbacks. Some patients may need to avoid IASTM if they’re taking blood thinners or have vascular conditions, open wounds, fractures, or certain infections.

How painful is Graston Technique?
It depends on your condition and tolerance levels. Graston can cause some achy soreness during and after treatment. Your practitioner assesses your pain levels frequently and makes adjustments as needed. Any discomfort fades quickly and most patients experience significant pain relief from the treatment.

About The Author

Guillermo Morales, a PT, DPT, CEO specializing in Physical Therapy, puts patients at the forefront of their care. With over years of experience, they guide individuals towards achieving their best selves. At Arlington Physical Therapy in Arlington, Guillermo Morales crafts individualized plans using cutting-edge techniques, empowering patients to overcome limitations and thrive.

Why Choose Arlington Physical Therapy for IASTM?

When easing your pain and restoring mobility matters, trust the certified IASTM specialists at Arlington Physical Therapy. Ana Maria Madrid, PT, VP brings advanced expertise in soft tissue treatment along with years experience helping patients recover from injuries and manage chronic conditions.
We also customize your IASTM program based on unique needs and goals with:

  • A thorough evaluation identifying problem areas
  • Precise treatment targeting source tissues
  • Integrative therapies for enhanced outcomes
  • Effective home care strategies for continued improvement

Start Healing With IASTM Today

If pain or injuries are slowing you down, don’t wait to seek help. Call or email us to schedule a consultation. Ana Maria Madrid will listen to your issues, assess your condition, and create a tailored IASTM treatment plan to have you moving comfortably again soon.